Since February 2014, APAC has held the level 3 CO2 performance ladder certificate. Every year, APAC is audited to ensure it still meets all the requirements of this performance ladder. The most recent audit was conducted in April 2019.

From 2020, we have opted to no longer have the system accredited. However, we will continue to map our CO2 output through our own Footprint.

Every year, we review our reduction targets and measures. A reduction plan helps APAC to use energy more consciously and more sparingly. Awareness of your own organisation, as well as our environment, plays a big role in this. Examples of measures include reducing the number of kilometres we travel, and using solar panels.

How does this affect you?

At APAC you, our client, are guaranteed we will design the most energy-efficient systems for you. We then keep these systems in the right condition so as to prevent any unnecessary loss of energy. We also encourage our manufacturers to constantly incorporate the latest innovations into their products in order to save energy and to stop global warming. We pay a lot of attention to low-GWP cooling agents, for instance.


Every six months, we publish reports about our emissions, targets and reduction measures. These detailed reportsĀ are available on request

More information

If you need more information about our CO2 reduction policy or if you have specific tips, please contact our HSE coordinator, Sandra van der Loo, on +31 (0)30 241 6850.