Increase sustainability!

Sustainable in everything we do

Sustainability is reflected in everything APAC does. From selecting suppliers and consulting customers to managing our building and the way we drive. We happily contribute to a better environment.

Energy-efficient products

Our sustainability process starts with our products. APAC supplies data centre cooling appliances. Data centres have a bad name when it comes to energy consumption and we like to help change that perception. One way is to make our cooling machines energy-efficient, using a smart design and smart control engineering. We take into account the fact that our solution also has to be financially interesting for our clients. Together, we look at the total cost of ownership. An energy-efficient appliance may demand a higher investment but it also results in a lower energy bill.

Extending the lifespan

What we deliver is energy-efficient but we also help clients save energy in subsequent phases. Our maintenance contracts not only guarantee that the appliances will function correctly, we also extend the lifespan. For instance, we are helping one of our biggest clients to use the existing equipment more energy-efficiently. One way of achieving that is to provide upgrades in consultation with the manufacturer and by teaching them to use the appliances differently. This yields wonderful results.

Partners and suppliers

We also like to show our partners that we take sustainability seriously. This also forces us to continue to perform in this area. Vice versa, when we select our suppliers, we also look at such performances ourselves, such as ISO 14001. At the moment, for instance, we’re working with two global players who feel very strongly about sustainability, Climaveneta and Mitsubishi Electric. Among other things, they are working on environmentally-friendly packaging and smart transport.

The environment and employees

We also look at our own environment and employees. In 2018, we bought the premises we were leasing, enabling us to make our processes sustainable too. We aim to say goodbye to gas and to install a heat pump for both heating and cooling. Our large roof will be equipped with solar panels in 2021. This is sufficient for charging the electric cars and using the office. The plan for 2024 is to look at storage of the electricity that is “left over” from the solar panels. The fluorescent lighting in the offices will be replaced by LED, so that all lighting is LED. The first I Buzz for engineers will arrive in 2023 and it will be tested whether delivery vans can be expanded with more I Buzz. We continue to encourage electric cars and/or plug-in hybrids; employees can also use a lease bicycle plan.

Sharing knowledge and experience

Over the years, we have gained a lot of knowledge and experience in the field of sustainability. We like to share those lessons within our company, for which we have dedicated evaluation sessions. A smart solution for one job could prove valuable for a next job in a different way. This enables us to continue making things sustainable.